Sunday, March 27, 2011

Smoking Guide

How to start smoking ?

Cigarette smoking is regarded as hazardous to your health. See the warnings section for a list of possible health risks from continued use of cigarettes.

Things You'll Need

  • Packet of Cigarettes
  • Pouch of Rolling Tobacco
  • Rolling Papers
  • Cigarette Filters (Optional)
  • Lighter or Matches
  • Ashtray (Optional)
  • I.D to prove legal age to purchase tobacco.
  • Remember, Shops that serve Tobacco and/or Tobacco related products (such as Rolling Papers, Filters and other products that have been made purely for smoking) are in danger of paying a large fine and even being shut down. Also, anybody over the age of 18 who buys Tobacco and/or Tobacco related products for anyone under the age of 18 are in danger of paying a large fine, prosecution and even a prison sentence.

Smoking Styles

  1. French Inhale - After drawing the smoke into your mouth, instead of inhaling the smoke in your mouth, slowly push the smoke of of your lips and while it rises out of your mouth, inhale it with your nose. This produces a strong "hit" while impressing those watching.
  2. Smoke Rings - This is when rings of smoke are puffed out. this means that the smoke is not inhaled but kept in the mouth before blowing out. there are many methods for blowing smoke rings, the most common being to bring the lower jaw forward, raising the tongue up and gently letting the smoke come out using small movements of the throat, like a very small cough.
  3. Dangling - Experienced smokers integrate smoking into everything in their lives. To be able to do this their hands need to be free so they learn to keep the cigarette in their mouths all the time. This makes since since a cigarette in the mouth is ready for a drag at all times while one in the hand isn't being inhaled and that's missing the whole point. The tricks to dangling are 1. Keeping the smoke out of your eyes, 2. Keeping the sidestream smoke from going up your nose or being inhaled. Over time this becomes second nature to the professional smoker.
  4. Chain Smoking - These days "chain smoking" has negative connotations but it need not. In reality all it means is lighting one cigarette off the burning ember of another. This can be handy when you want a light from a friend or it's windy out and you'll have trouble using a lighter. Many times a moderate smoker occasionally wants a second cigarette that this is simplest way.
  5. Hot boxing - Smoking inside an enclosed environment. ( such as a car, bathroom ect..)
  6. Double pumping - Take a drag, inhale, take another drag while exhaling the first out your nose then inhale again. This can be repeated to triple, quad... pump.
  7. Snap inhale - Take a drag open your mouth to let the smoke start to escape then sharply inhale it so it gets drawn back into your mouth.
  8. French inhale - Pull the smoke into your mouth without inhaling it. then move your lower jaw up and forward and allow the smoke to flow out while using your nose to inhale it back in.

  1. 1
Before smoking, some people "Pack" the cigarettes. Hold the pack in right hand upside down. Remember the filters are on top of the pack so you want to pack the tobacco so it's tightly toward the filter end of the cigarette.
  1. 2
Hold out your left palm, and "smack" the pack top-down onto your palm, so that the tobacco settles down toward the top end of the pack. Repeat several times vigorously so it's good and packed. (This is generally not necessary with modern manufactured cigarettes but can add to the "ritual" of smoking) Discard empty packs appropriately and don't litter.
  1. 3
Remove a cigarette from the package. Cigarettes come in hard and soft packs. Before removing the cigarette, if it is a new pack, there is a piece of foil paper blocking the cigarettes from you. To remove, simply grab an end, and tear it off. This goes for both hard and soft packs. For hard packs, hold the cigarette between the second and third knuckles of your forefinger and middle finger with the filtered end towards your palm.

Remove a cigarette from the package. If it is stuck in the package, try pulling a cigarette from the middle. In this case a pack of Marlboro "lights" 100s flip-top-box.
For soft packs, tap the pack as in the "packing" step above for a fresh, tightly packed pack to expose a cigarette tip. For a partly empty pack, just a shake will do. With soft packs the cigarette is usually grabbed and extracted with the teeth and lips.
  1. 4
Place the filtered end gently between your lips, in the center or to the side according to preference. Place it far enough into your mouth to form an airtight seal but not far enough back where it will touch the wet part of your lips. If necessary draw your lips inwards slightly to hold it in place. Placing the cigarette deeper in your lips tends to block the ventilation holes in the filter and increase the strength of the smoke.
  1. 5
Light your cigarette. Light the match or lighter an inch or so away from the end of the cigarette. Bring the flame almost to the tip of the cigarette and suck on the cigarette in short burst(s). Usually only one "puff" is necessary to fully light most cigarettes. The best way to describe sucking on a cigarette is like sucking a shake from a straw. Do not inhale or exhale as you do this. The sucking action will draw the flame to the tip and light the end of the cigarette, and the sucking action will bring smoke into your mouth. Most smokers do not inhale the first bit of smoke, especially if a match is used.
  1. 6
To inhale cigarette smoke into your lungs. As you remove the cigarette from your mouth, inhale and allow the smoke to flow smoothly into your lungs. Inhale deeply to avoid coughing.
    • Note that coughing is caused only by smoke hitting the back of your throat, not your lungs. Drawing the smoke directly into your lungs, and pulling in fresh air immediately behind it, can make it much easier to avoid coughing.
  1. 7
Some smokers prefer to hold the smoke in their mouth for a second before inhaling. The short time the smoke is in your mouth plus mixing air in with the smoke cools it slightly so the hot smoke does not burn your throat nearly as much. Some smokers prefer the cooler smoke; others find not inhaling instantly causes an undesirable stale flavor.
    • Inhaling cigarette smoke will produce various physiological and psychological effects from the carbon monoxide, nicotine, and various other psychoactive chemicals; this is discussed in the warnings section below.
  1. 8
Exhale the smoke through your mouth or nose. This is where a smoker's style is expressed. Do you hold the smoke a short or long time? Do you pucker and blow a thin directed stream of smoke or exhale a large cloud?
  1. 9
Periodically tap the ash off the end of the cigarette into an ashtray. Take care not to drop the cigarette while ashing. If being held by thumb and forefinger, ashing can be done by tapping the middle finger against the cigarette, over top of the thumb to provide support. If being held by forefinger and middle finger, squeeze the cigarette firmly and the thumb can be used to flick the filter up or down. Smokers do not tap the cigarette on the ashtray, though they may sometimes roll or break off the ashed end on the edge. A cigarette is a fragile thing so treat it gently.
  1. 10
The cigarette is finished once it has almost reached about 1/4" above the line on the filter, where the paper is thicker. For unfiltered cigarettes, they are finished once they are too small to smoke. Some smokers will always smoke the cigarette to this point, while others will stop further up the cigarette - it all depends on personal preference. If the cigarette is smoked to too low a point, the filter will begin to burn.
  1. 11
Fully extinguish the cigarettes by butting out in an ashtray. Crush the smoldering end against the bottom of the ashtray. Some smokers simply break off the ember in the ashtray, though this is a fire hazard and can light other butts on fire. If outside, put the cigarette out on the ground and put the butt in your pocket. you can also learn how to Flick-a-Cigarette.
  1. 12
Ask yourself, "Is the world my ashtray?" It may be acceptable to flick your ashes on the ground or out your car window. It is not acceptable to drop your butt on the ground in public places or on someone's private property. Keep a small container such as a matchbox or little breath-mint box to keep butts until you get home or chuck them in the nearest bin. Litter is unsightly, old butts smell stale and animals that swallow them die slow deaths if their intestines are obstructed. Since most newer cars don't have an ashtray it may be socially acceptable to some people to toss the burning butt out your window (Extreme fire risk days excluded). In places like the warmer states of the US or Australia, throwing ANY burning item out of a car window is very bad (this is how many fatal bushfires start). It is not acceptable to throw the plastic wrap or the empty pack out a window on on the ground.
  1. 13
Some people that smoke still get the same "high" effect as people that smoke for the first time in their lives. However, most people smoke to relax while heightening their awareness and concentration and of course to relieve the craving that habitual smoking creates.


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