Other popular cigarette brands owned by ITC are Wills & Scissors. Gold Flake is ITC's middle level brand in terms of price. However the Kings, Lights and Mild varieties are more expensive with pricing about the same as Wills Classic varieties of cigarettes. The single largest brand in the country in value terms (approx 14% of the US$150 million market) is Wills Navy Cut, which was launched in July 1963.
Wills Gold Flake was discontinued in the UK in 1986 but continues to be sold in the Republic of Ireland. It is regarded there as one of the finest Virginian cigarettes on the market, though can be difficult to find.

Origin of the name
Goldflake was neither a brand nor a process of manufacturing cigarettes. The word "goldflake" refers to cigarettes made using 'bright rich golden tobacco'. Brands other than Wills Gold Flake are Bacons' Gold Flake, Hignett's Golden Flaked Honey Dew, Salmon and Gulckstein's Gold Flake. One pack of 10 cigarettes cost accordingly: Gold Flake (plain, filter, regular size) pack of 10 costs Rs.38, Gold Flake Kings, Lights MRP is Rs.48. Packs of 20 can cost up to Rs.96.Tar and Nicotine content
Tar is still as high as 15 mg ( as against less that 8mg for international brands) an dNicotine levels are beyond 1.4mg.ITC never displays these ratings and the Indian Government does not have a grading/testing lab to test their claims.The Gold Flake sold in the Republic of Ireland is 10mg tar.
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